Education & Professional Experience:

Sigurður is an abdominal surgeon with a focus on procedures in the upper abdomen. His expertise includes surgeries on the stomach, esophagus, liver, and bile ducts. He has extensive experience in abdominal surgeries on these organs, such as gastric resections, anti-reflux procedures, diaphragmatic hernia repairs, as well as operations on the gallbladder and liver. Sigurður has a particular interest in abdominal surgeries for athletes, specifically addressing abdominal wall issues. He has decades of experience with gastroscopy and colonoscopy, in addition to procedures involving the bile ducts.

At Klíníkin, Sigurður will closely collaborate with Aðalsteinn Arnarsson, a fellow surgeon, and the obesity team. Sigurður completed his medical degree at the University of Iceland in 1986. He pursued specialized training in surgery at Ninewells Hospital in Scotland from 1990 to 2000 under the guidance of Prof. A. Cuschieri, a pioneer in abdominal surgery worldwide. He obtained his specialization certification from the Royal College of Surgeons in 1995.

Upon returning to Iceland in 2000, Sigurður has worked as a specialist in the Department of Abdominal Surgery at Landspitali University Hospital (LSH). He has also held positions at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Akranes Hospital, in addition to establishing practices at Domus Medica and later at the Center for Digestive Health in Glæsibær.


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