Education and Professional Experience:

Aðalsteinn specializes in abdominal surgery with an emphasis on interventions in the upper abdomen. Within this scope, he performs various procedures related to gallstones, gastroesophageal reflux, abdominal wall hernias, and obesity. In addition, he has extensive experience with endoscopy of the stomach and bile ducts. At Klíníkin, Aðalsteinn will focus particularly on treating patients with obesity issues, utilizing his years of experience in such procedures.

He offers a variety of surgical interventions tailored to meet the diverse needs of patients in this group. Aðalsteinn obtained his medical degree from Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany, and received his general medical license in 2003. In his specialization in general surgery, Aðalsteinn worked at Blekinge Hospital in Sweden, earning specialist recognition in Sweden in 2007 and in Iceland in 2008. He also holds specialist recognition in Norway, which he acquired in 2009.

Aðalsteinn served as a specialist in general surgery at Blekinge Hospital in Sweden from 2007 to 2015. During the years 2011-2015, he concurrently worked part-time at Sørlandet Hospital Arendal in Norway.


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