Education & Professional Experience:

Þorsteinn is an abdominal surgeon with a specific focus on colorectal surgery and diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract. Within this field, he performs various procedures, including colorectal surgeries, both open and laparoscopic, as well as similar interventions on the rectum and addressing issues related to the anus, such as hemorrhoids and fistulas. Additionally, he conducts endoscopic examinations of the digestive tract. Furthermore, Þorsteinn performs various minor procedures, such as the removal of skin and subcutaneous lesions.

Þorsteinn completed his medical degree at the University of Iceland in 2008. He pursued specialized training in surgery in Halmstad, Sweden, from 2012 to 2017. From the beginning of 2018 until mid-2021, he worked at Östra Hospital in Gothenburg as part of a team specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus. He obtained Swedish specialization certification in surgery in 2016 and Norwegian certification in 2023.

Since 2016, Þorsteinn has been regularly involved with the Abdominal Surgery Department at Landspitali University Hospital. Upon his return in mid-2021, Þorsteinn has been working at Klíníkin, actively contributing to the assessment of patients considering metabolic surgeries for obesity. He collaborates closely with Aðalsteinn Arnarson and the metabolic surgery team. Additionally, Þorsteinn works at the hospital in Akranes.


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